What of us loves the sound beautiful Turquoise Sound she inherent .. Tarab beautiful voice .. Sound mountain forces Min wants us what Ms. "Turquoise" Today claimed remember back with some features of great personality Echo and excerpts from the timeless singer, who is Pttensee Voice warm compassionate not hear it break, but crept into music with dreamy To the heart of beads strongly motivated to fall in love, where the flow A mixture of memories of your heart Slowly mixes and vegetables that were Agneadtha Still stands steadfast in the face of time to be announced at the Pride as the It is one of the most important signs of art in recent decades, as singer Fairouz. The Ghent Fairuz Children's and Youth, and her love for the war and for peace and for the homeland ..., And still retain those rare talent that joins us with faith Infinite in the Sea of spots. Childbirth November 1935 was a working print shop Wadih Haddad, and his wife, Lisa Bustani receive The gift of God "Nihad Haddad," which came to be known as "Turquoise" Where she was born amid mourning poor family living in a modest house consisting of one room Alley tiles in the old neighbourhood next to the beautiful city of Beirut, and the father struggling For the care of his family and small enough profiteers Day barely. . Father and succeeded in providing Part of a simple income for the education of his children, so had the opportunity to attend Nihad School, and there are voices able to attract attention immediately as a Balazoppe Where he can transform regular national songs into something amazing beauty. The Ghent and amaze all everyone voted unique Vachaat warmth in the atmosphere and vitality At school The opportunity to Fairouz to reflect the beauty of their voices when the beauty XIV, Director of her school, where he asked her to sing in the presence of "Mohamed Fleifel" music professor And one of the founders of the National Institute of music in Lebanon, which was looking for votes A new task force aimed at the establishment of the choir to be prepared for a formal occasion. Heard that Mr. Fleifel even signed in Love voice, and asked if they want to join Task dances belong to him, and agreed Nihad, but must obtain the consent of her father Fairuz, and the Institute Decided Fairouz and her brother and mother, concealment of such reports, and began her brother Joseph Wadih Haddad ISI to the Institute for a period of four or five years where I learned how to sing According Platform music, did not know that his daughter joined the parent with one music Only at the time of graduation ceremony, when Fairuz inviting him to attend a concert, After the curtain was removed shortly Nihad appeared on stage Wadih to see his daughter stands proudly to sing and considered Nihad to the face of her father to see the tears Pouring down on the cheeks, but without the recognition that Story change its name Nihad presented to the work in radio but her father refused, saying he should be severely perhaps complete First studied ... But her uncle managed to convince him to take the left road she loves The father gave his consent to swim Fairuz, in a world of tunes Rica with the tunes Balabda and Breakfast Nihad received a call from "Halim Rumi" and the artist's father "wma", which requested The singing is unilaterally proposed the idea of changing the name suggested by the names First, "Fairouz" and the second "Scheherazade", and thus became the name "Turquoise" is the name of hearing Real contest ] Fairuz started substantive real breakthrough in 1952 when the brothers collaborated with Rahbani (Assi and Mansour Al-Rahbani) where Rahbani brothers had come to the radio to submit their programmes, There she met Fairuz Asi, and filled a singer and then all radio channels began to receive The keys to success, and in 1955 married Mtrepettna of compassionate voice of Asi Al-Rahbani, And gave birth to sons "Ziad" and "Rima" Asitoanadtha ] Fairuz has continued her career and still functional and to be surprised when you see them still stands theater Singing despite old age but you hear when you return to your despite days Your childhood, your memories and take beautiful young also to the world of romance and fantasy To make us fly over this vast universe, we sit in our seats did not move Centimetres one, and it is estimated that the mobility and is the author of talent Angelic voice, which includes among its unity and Nahumich paper every music machines It's as if you hear a full orchestra number. The Ghent Fairuz of many poets and composers, and in front of a crowd of kings Hakim Rohani In an unprecedented step, which awarded the doctorate awarded to the voice of the American University Ancient Beirut artist Fairuz honorary doctorate title to accede to 22 so personal Excelled in the fields of medicine, science, philosophy and rights, writing and the press and have been granted this title Since in 1866 and was a recognition that the title came from an American university that Fairuz really special kind of doctor Address the hearts, souls and help us to overcome emotional crises and national life, including witnessing Daylight moments of the loss and loss model Vtaathadi steals to vote magician to forget Religion And heals wounds words sometimes thin and harsh sometimes Fairuz medals ] And also won the Order of Merit of the 1957 Lebanese President "Camille Chamoun," , Which is the highest decoration in the State trustworthy artist, and Sam Rice .. Honneur from Lebanon 1962 , And the Lebanese Order of Merit, Medal dignity put to them by the King "Hussein," 1963, Syrian Order of Merit 1967 1975, has been issuing commemorative stamps By the image of Ms. "Turquoise", as well as the Renaissance and Sam Jordan in the first degree, And the Order of the French Alcolmundour 1988 1997, Sam and high culture - Tunisia. In obtained in 1997 "Fairuz" on the Arts Medal For the second time from France, 1998 medal extraordinary contribution in the first degree, That was another medal by the King "Hussein" before his departure for Fairuz Music performances ] Bridge Moon 1962 1963 1964 1966, Hala and King 1967, the person 1968, Mountain flint 1969, lived lives 1970, WAKE UP 1971, People from the 1972 paper, keys Natorh 1972, Station 1973, even 1974, al Sheba 1975, Petra 1977. Performances were held in several locations, including: Casino Beirut and Baalbek International The Damascus International Festival and the Festival Theatre Allbeckadeli Sidon and Beirut on the Romans and Jordan. Films Rings song 1964 1967 1968, in addition to the television programme Concert entitled "Michael" 1963. From Agneadtha ] Founded bird, year on year, I am you, you discount, and how you Hwa back, we return, I returned in the evening, Moses Habibie, people asked me, your books, in the retail coffee p, God agree with you liking, Jybli peace, was engineered in the people, you get the bride, my bird, Fly any plane, wow, the moon's neighbours, came p Lights, by bees, Anna darling, Not guaranteed, Thank Payne, after you on Bali, saw the sea, all you Degni, Shady, Jerusalem Old flower of cities, Mecca beds, housing night, Give me Flute, she returned winter, Amara Ya Amara, Habibie Bedouins Moon, Tek Tek, O prophet messenger, you Mukhtar village leaders, Qasqas at Paper, Ntrona lot, Thank Tnci sleep, the Izz sleep, p routes Love, Almond laughed, Wala, Lenin, you Maylh p Wicker, O moon, I weyak, any of the contained, Say it, do not grudge on you, is the eyebrows, we Thomas Love, Thank Annagal and longing, Not Story Hey, a high "election", it was time, it was us Studies, concluded yesterday, El Chalabiyah girls, S North sad, romantic without hope, she returned s Zaman, took Kdmcn, dancing Lebanon, Day two, we moved, on, you Bahebak Lebanon, Beirut, I have nostalgia, I have confidence in you, Hate You, Jay, does not come today, some warm, p ball Bakri, usage Ha talk, Bahebak O Lebanon, ten days, stop any dark, unto you thousand nights, but you harvest. Words and songs ] I have nostalgia I have nostalgia for the usage of Maine Yele to Bejtefni among Alsohranin Goin 'to the extent Emcini Iodine Ta know Min, the usage of Maine Aadit palette and erased palette Nami and if you Ainyi claimed Vicky growing And behind enemy Halhanin nostalgia nostalgia tears Egrgueni and Basamy forgotten Ta know Min, the usage of Maine I love you, my fear to be after you love I forget thee, and Mthiali Anta Mkhbay Bi Albi Btody and nostalgia for nostalgia Yele Ichlhani Exile healed bags Ta know Min, the usage of Maine Fayiq any Hoey Fayiq any Hoey not only we, tears and Sahharni Svoli Taree born Dowa your love and inspected Aldoa Fayiq what our people went along and kept saying, sons went Zgar And held us home and wow, sons and passion Zgar collected and hearty passion Palau bird Jayi travel a long evening and on the door crying Mooel Mntvi jellyfish and crying, and we see Mooel Alatmi only Tnintna A Fayiq evening and was in the night, Nada and fire with Ngva brief Mokadi Alatobi travelling, and what in the speech and not in your heart, and Huda Huda not my heart Nam, and people talk, I rise lantern and Examination Waists Roses A handbag fence Phil Moon, and if Diato A cyclist and Klk Bakash Bakri and fried Akaadi Born Baby Born on any admission Tarraf How to tell if Shaw built Habayeb Born and income you color tree Is not returned Alntrh and boredom Bntrbain sun Abdel stone Mbaki, and supported the separation Tahedni any bird And the life and my days Recatk Sawa And the life blossom thorns and Blowing Ilhwa That you going to Andn and Jin Ilhwa Khaddni and certification Shi minutes rare bird you You do not Habibie You do not Habibie, not only Rbina Al Ghraibi Calaa our story and passion And you become a human Graybe you darling If yesterday fail Aahjr Cold and around Dr. Eryan Alsjr Khozguena photos and update the moon Rdthelo Mkatypo and Ridley Mkatibi Both Taiwi Hraao and claimed Bhalmdi Two sons and lost Aajsr Echo Divide us and Bhda Aldnyi Rule Salili kept happy, baby After you on Bali Tal and Nissan have asked me if the door Khbayt and Zhiyi and flew home and was gone Avchlo wanted Alhab Eshrhlo Painted what was not roses at the door After you on Bali O moon bags O flower out any precious Dhabi After you on any sections Helou O O annua and Mentor on the surface Higher Maraq summer Bmwaaido and passion for shells Enakido What we know about you any news of the Moon and not an end to Baidoa Ouhlna Pttal nights and nights and after you go to Bali You wish You wish you and I House Shi Beit beyond home Mmahi Laura Otm borders and wind And Allj descending Baldnyi excavation Lost your way back what Felling LOSE YOUR alone, And flowers and breast Phil A. season LOSE YOUR alone, alone LOSE And the lost point Balguendel oil People asked me People asked me about you, baby Wrote letters and Akhaddha Ilhwa Abiez Aliy indispensable, baby And for the first time what Menkon Sawa People asked me about you asked me Do not dare see Klln Tlomni Gamadt my eyes my fear of the people Ischofok Mkhbay Baione And by passion, and had passion For the first time what Menkon Sawa Tal night did Azavili Bujnurd of the night and Lutfi Guenadeli No hero and how Astahedit My heart was to do my guide And he stung ambiance stung For the first time, the only Menkon.
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